Thursday, December 11, 2008

8 weeks! Oh My!

I started a "Day in the Life" post the other day and I was doing really well taking pictures and all...then I realized that I have two kids and not enough time to take pictures and take care of them! Oh well.

School has been crazy. I can't write about specifics on here but it's not going well. The grouping of my kids just doesn't work. We're trying to fix it (my principal, sub and myself), but it still needs a lot of work. They are behaving so badly that my sub rarely rewards them anymore and also decided against letting them do a Yankee Swap at the Holiday Party. I agree with him about everything, I would have probably have decided the same thing if I were there. February 2nd can take its time getting here, I wont mind! I have another 6 weeks of leave and I couldn't be happier. Only 4 weeks of my leave is unpaid, but we'll make it through it!

Christmas is just around the corner and I've been taking advantage of Dougie going to his sitter's house on Tuesdays to do my shopping. It's also been great just to have a day with Kate! She really enjoys being in the Baby Bjorn (which I got BRAND NEW for $12.99!!!) and everyone always stops me to tell me how beautiful she is (I don't mind it one bit, but it sure slows me down sometimes!)

Here are some pics for my blog readers!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I was "tagged" by Liz...

These are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you. (see above)
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random, arbitrary things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

6 Random Things (that I don’t mind being posted on the internet) :

1. My daughter is seven weeks old and I am still in shock that I had a girl. I always thought I would have boys and she has completely thrown me off. I can't trust my instincts anymore! I am so in love with her.

2. I love my freckles. I hope my kids have my skin so they get freckles, too!

3. I think I have a wonderful singing voice. I'm not trying to sound egotistical, but I enjoy singing and I think I sound good. If I weren't married with two kids and completely happy with my job, I'd try out for American Idol...just to see what would happen.

4. I am so incredibly happy that my best friend found her true love, but so incredibly sad that he lives in Ireland.

5. I am a reality show junkie. I love it all, even though I know most of it is fake!

6. I am not good at keeping in touch with people. I tell myself 10 times a day to call people that I miss and I always forget too. When I was in college I used to have to write it on the calendar so I could remember when the last time I talked to people who lived far away was. I wish I was better at it and it is always a goal that I have.

I tag...I'm not sure I have a lot of blog readers, but I'll tag Hayley, Alison, Jim, Kaycee and Rawson.